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base2Services hosts developer workshop on using Cfhighlander to create reusable and modular AWS CloudFormation templates

This news release is provided by base2Services on the 11 October 2018

It was great to see two of our R&D team, Angus Vine and Nikola Tosic, be asked to host a developer workshop at the Melbourne AWS Programming & Tools Meetup.

Held on the 10th of October, the workshop focussed on how to build a CloudFormation managed VPC, with a bastion host and ECS cluster, using Cfhighlander. In addition attendees learnt how to deploy nginx containers into ECS clusters using CloudFormation.

Angus & Nikola are co-contributors to Cfhighlander, a feature rich tool & DSL for infrastructure coders that came out of the base2Services R&D lab. At this workshop they demonstrated how Cfhighlander‘s existing component library can be used to produce reusable CloudFormation templates for managing AWS resources in a modular way.

The workshop was well attended, with most attendees either new to AWS or with a basic background on CloudFormation. The feedback for the workshop and Cfhighlander was extremely positive.

Try it for yourself

If you would like to have a go at the workshop, you can do so by visiting the following links:


For more information on Cfhighlander vist the GitHub repository

Additonal Workshops will be avialable here

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