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Aaron Walker interview from 2022 AWS Summit Berlin
Dennis Traub, Developer Advocate - AWS, interviewing base2 Technology Director, Aaron Walker, in the Community Hub at the AWS Summit Berlin '22.
Growing your SaaS business with AWS
Discover how and why companies are executing their transformation into SaaS. Hear from two expert panellists as they share their journey, knowledge and experience. Post event the panellists also discuss key topics such as, Ongoing Risk Management, Platform Economics and Scaling Growth.
Start Building CI/CD as Code. The 7 Lessons Learnt from Deploying and Managing 100s of CI Environments
Discover how CI/CD can be automated to create consistency and repeatability across environments with less reliance on individual team members, confidence in releases and less issues in production.
How to manage serverless infrastructure on AWS
Highlight video from base2Services Lunch & Learn event - How to manage serverless infrastructure on AWS. Three expert panellists from 3 different organisations shared their journey towards serverless architecture.
How to transition to AWS using a DevOps approach.
Three expert panellists from 3 different organisations share their journey of moving to the cloud while leveraging DevOps principles
What is DevOps?
A short definition of what DevOps means to our customers.
Case Studies
Edna Martinson - Co-Founder of Boddle Learning, on their partnership with base2Services
Edna Martinson - Co-Founder of Boddle Learning, discusses how base2Services helped Boddle Learning to overcome cloud scaling challenges to enable massive growth from 100k to 5 million users.
Con Raso, Founder and Managing Director, Tuned Global
Con Raso, Founder and Managing Director of Tuned Global, shares how and why his company executed their transformation into AWS.
Mark Milbourne, Senior Vice President - Product Development, Certify Inc on their partnership with base2Services
Mark Milbourne, Senior Vice President - Product Development, Certify Inc, discusses how partnering with base2Services has been a real “headache-removal-experience”.
Srini Nori, Manager - Design, Development & Implementation, Open Universities Australia, on their partnership with base2Services
Srini Nori, Manager - Design, Development & Implementation, Open Universities Australia, discusses how partnering with base2Services helped them to combine AWS and Salesforce in one fully functioning platform while replacing every system the business uses with newer, more agile systems.
Jason Shore, Co-Founder and CEO, Sardius Media, on their partnership with base2Services
Jason Shore, Co-Founder and CEO, Sardius Media, discusses how partnering with base2Services helped them to implement a DevOps process and maintain a system with 24/7 availability.
RSL Art Union adopt DevOps approach
Watch Luke Traini, CEO at RSL Art Union describe why he made the decision to move to DevOps and partner with base2Services.
Urbanise's Adam Bate speaks about how he leverages base2Services to deliver DevOps
Development Manager Adam Bate, talks about how base2Services helps Urbanise with its DevOps practices and support management.
Knowledge sharing and innovation
See Mohammad Adnan, Disruptive Tribe Tech Lead, Pitchi, at Ltd talk about how base2Services helped them with its new innovative online selling app Pitchi.
The value of partnerships
Watch Michael Ridgway, Director of Engineering, Ryvuss, at Ltd's, discuss how base2Services helped the Ryvuss search and recommendation product team to achieve an efficient and easy-to-use solution.
Knowledge sharing and team work
Watch Greg Collins, Disruptive Tribe Lead at Ltd, talk about how base2Services is helping them improve efficiencies and deliver its properties to the market faster on cloud based environments.
Dubber go global with the Cloud
Watch Steve McGovern, CEO at Dubber, speak about their business journey and AWS
THE ICONIC migrates to AWS
Watch Gavin Terrill, CTO, speak about the THE ICONIC’s migration to AWS and the successful results.
Craig speaks about Success
Before his presentation, Craig Wishart spoke to TheCube about what Service Stream has achieved.
MediMail at AWS Summit
Craig Frawley, Managing Director of MediMail presents in Canberra 2013